“So yesterday was really magical. I'm in this really nice Downtown Denver hotel room, sitting on the bed with my legs wrapped around the woman/goddess/lover/wife I have given my heart. We are just over a week shy of loving each other for twenty-seven years.

We were just wearing our very comfortable skins and sharing the intimate moment with our photographer, Kacey Cole.

Yes, it was magic. It felt like we were in our thirties and I swear I fell in love with [my wife] so many times yesterday. In my eyes she will always be the woman I met back in high school.

But the one moment I will never forget was the one naked on the bed with her beautiful hair in both of my hands, our legs wrapped around each other and kissing her open mouthed with my eyes open.

I am truly blessed. Soulmates exist.” -B.Z.


You have no idea how happy you’ve made [us] and we are so lucky to have met and been able to work with you. This will certainly not be the last time either. [We] can’t stop looking through them. Literally obsessed. Thank you so so so much again! - M. & A. C.